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Thursday 4 April 2013

Da'wa Project

Current baseline data pattern:
Based on our naturalistic observation, the current baseline data shows stable in which most of our roomates never pray jamaah at their room hostel.

Target Behavior:
Praying Jamaah during Maghrib prayer at hostel.

Target Group            :
Roomates at hostels (Collective Measure)

Baseline Measure:
The indicator that will be considered is the number of roomates who follow to pray jamaah during Maghrib prayer at hostel. The data will be collected during weekdays (Monday till Thursday) starts from 8th to 18th of April (2 weeks).
The pattern of collecting data will be continuously observation using Fixed Interval schedule of reinforcement.

The strategy of intervention:
a.       At the first time, we invite them (roomates) to pray jamaah, 30 minutes before
b.       The length of time taken will be 15 minutes including praying and reflection (sharing
c.       The reinforcement will be snack that is provided during reflection moment everytime
after praying jamaah.
d.      At the first meeting, we will inform them that for the following days we will do pray
jamaah for Maghrib prayer followed by sharing moments (reflection). This plan is more like invitation so there is no compulsion.
e.       For the following days, we just start praying jamaah and identify how many roomates
join this program.

Monday 11 March 2013

Classical Conditioning

The Rabbit and Hedgehog

In the garden of an old married couple, there lives a handsome young rabbit with a heartbroken past. He lives with his loving parents and old brother. Rabbit is very sweet, friendly and kindhearted. He is the most eligible bachelor in the whole neighborhood. All the young female bunnies, squirrels and ferrets would swoon when Rabbit hops by. Some would walk up to him and flirtatiously greet him, but Rabbit would reply politely and smile. He does not seem to be interested in any of these girls.
One day, as Rabbit was hopping around the neighborhood, he came across a beautiful hedgehog who was minding her own business in a nearby hedge. Smitten by her beauty, Rabbit hopped to a bush to get a closer look. Hedgehog noticed this so she turned to look at him and smiled. Rabbit almost died. He was so nervous that he forgot to smile back and regretted it so much. By then, Hedgehog was already back to sniffing around looking for food. Disappointed, Rabbit decided to go home. The whole night, all he could think of was Hedgehog. He was never seen anyone like her. She is different from the others.
The next day, Rabbit woke up with a mission to be accomplished; he is going to smile at Hedgehog. As he was hopping to the hedge garden where Hedgehog lives, he had to pass squirrel, ferret and bunny who were giggling and whispering girlishly into each other’s’ ears. When he finally reached the hedge garden, Hedgehog was nowhere to be found. Saddened by her absence, he sadly turned around to leave when suddenly he heard the rustling of leaves coming from a distant bush. It was Hedgehog and she seemed a little preoccupied. He hoped towards her and when he was close enough, he cleared his throat. As she turned her head, he sheepishly smiled at her. Hedgehog looked plainly at Rabbit and continued with her work. Rabbit was slightly taken aback by this. He is so used to the neighborhood girls swooning at his feet. But there is something mysteriously interesting about this girl. He is starting to like her. He is adamant on getting to know her better and becoming her friend.
Every day without fail, Rabbit would go to the Hedge garden just to see Hedgehog. He even changed his diet so that he can forage at the same garden. Most of the time, Hedgehog would pretend as if he was not there. She is very quiet and shy, with very little friends. None of the neighborhood girls like her. A couple of days ago, when squirrel was inquired by Rabbit about Hedgehog, squirrel replied, “You mean Hedgie Hodg, the girl from the hedge garden? She is so prickly and weird. She has no friends. You better be careful of her, Rabbit. She might also stab you with her quills.” But Rabbit did not believe a word that came out of squirrels’ mouth. “Girls will always be girls,” he thought to himself. So he continued visiting Hedgie Hodge at the hedge garden. As the days go by, Rabbit enjoys more and more the feeling he gets when he goes there simply because she is there. It is obvious that he likes her a lot now but little does he know that Hedgie Hodge secretly likes him too.
One fine morning, as Rabbit, who is on a newly acquired diet of insects and Hedgie Hodge was busy sniffing for food at the hedge garden, they accidentally bumped their heads into each other. Out of natural reflexes, he spikes on her forehead erected and poked Rabbits’ forehead. She immediately ran into hiding afraid that he might shout at her, or worse, hate her for life. It all happened so fast. Rabbit was still trying to make sense of what had happened. He tried searching for Hedgie Hodge but he could not find her. She disappeared before he could say anything. The poke did not hurt him at all thanks to his thick fluffy coat.
A few days went by and Hedgie Hodge is nowhere to be seen. Undeterred, Rabbit continued looking for insects, hoping that she would come. While he was searching for insects, he came across a peculiar looking thing. It smells like an insect but this curious thing seems to be lifeless. He decided to try it out.  It is crunchy and tastes like an insect too. Rabbit does not know that it is actually cat food but he enjoyed it, nonetheless.
It has been a week since that incident happened and that was the last time Rabbit saw her. By now, Rabbit is already feeling dejected and disheartened. He misses Hedgie Hodge. So he went home to Mother Rabbit and told her everything that happened. Mother Rabbit did not like what she heard. In her motherly way, she said, “Son, stop looking for Hedgie Hodge and don’t go to the hedge garden anymore. The Hedgehogs are dangerous kind. You better be thankful that her quills did not hurt you. You cannot be friends with her. They are an outcast of society. No good can ever come out of this.” Rabbit tried to defend Hedgie Hodge, “but mother she is ….” before he could finish, Mother Rabbit interrupted, “Son, I am your mother. Just listen to me or your father is going to hear about this.” All Rabbit could do was to be quiet and respectfully obey his mother.
Out of respect for his mother’s decision, Rabbit avoided the hedge garden. But once in a blue moon, he would go near the garden just to see Hedgie hodge from afar. Sadly, she is seldom there and this is crushing his little heart in pieces. On the contrary, the neighborhood girls are delighted with this turn of events. Now they can try to win his heart over.
Life went back to normal for Rabbit. Hedgie Hodge is nothing but a memory in the back of his mind. He has stopped going to the hedge garden, therefore there was nothing that reminded him of her. However, on one sunny afternoon, as he was resting under the shade of an oak tree, he thought he saw a very familiar figure up ahead near the pots of flowers. He rubbed his eyes to get a more focused image of that figure. To his disbelieve, it was Hedgie Hodge. She was just wondering around the neighborhood. She had just noticed Rabbit too. They held each other’s gazes for a while, and just like that, they both knew. Not friends, not enemies, just some strangers with some memories.

Techniques of Memorizing

Last class we had been told about Hafazan Project for this semester. So, what is it??
Hafazan Project is memorization of Quranic verses as a mean to applicate our cognitive approach of learning. There are two Surah that dr. Lihanna offered; Surah An Namlu or Surah Al Imran.

Before we go through the process of memorization, we had been asked to summarize the techniques of memorizing. This is the picture of what we had been done for that hehe..

Monday 25 February 2013

Neuron Networks

Who are we??

Assalamualaikum everybody! Welcome to our group blog!

Before we start blogging, let us introduce ourselves :)
We are from the group DISCENTES in Psychology of Learning class. Our class lecturer is Dr. Lihanna Binti Borhan. "Discentes" which comes from Latin word means LEARNING. We chose this name because in this class we are dealing with learning. Our motto is "Learn and Smile", we hope to always enjoy this class!